Hernando J
De Avila Pereira

Free Lancer &Solid Works,Python, MATLAB, LaTeX and Lantek Expert


About Me

With communication skills that allow me to convey my opinions to others in an assertive opinion to other people. Experience in the metal-mechanic and Oil & Gas industry, where it was possible to put into practice leadership skills in work teams. Friendly, energetic, objective and committed to regulations and rules. With predisposition for dynamic environments, quick adaptation and open-minded to new and adaptable and open-minded to new and different points of view. Points of view. Impeccable work ethic and diligent with established commitments. Commitments. Interested in working in machine design research, industrial production and teaching.

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My Skills

Solid Works90%
Lantek Expert60%

solid Works

I have extensive experience in the design of machine parts and metal containers, using as main tool Solid works and the finite element add-ons included in it.


During my experience as a researcher, I have had to program different codes in Python to perform simulations of physical phenomena, this required the use of libraries such as Numpy, Sympy, Pandas, scikit-learn among others.


I feel very comfortable with LaTeX, as it is the main text editor I work with to publish scientific articles and other academic papers. On the other hand, it is also the text editor I use to write my senior project


It was the main program I used to develop the numerical simulation codes during my degree project, and it is also one of the first high-level languages I used to enter the world of algorithms.

Lantek Expert

Worked 3 years with Lantek Expert program generating CNC codes for punching machine. With this, I could manage all my jobs and versions of previous designs.

Product design and development.

More than 5 years of experience in the design and development of products that cover a wide range of needs. I always verify the product design with computational simulations that guarantee the reliability of the product under different conditions, also the simulations allow to reduce time and costs in the prototyping process.

Latest Products Image

Temperature monitoring for shopping malls 2020-2021 Developmeny

This was a project implemented during the pandemic period, the objective was to detect the individual's temperature and display it on the screen. Each temperature record is stored and analyzed, when an individual presented a temperature above certain allowed ranges, the application captured the individual's face or sent the temperature information and sent a picture of the face to the local surveillance

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Electronic bicycle locker 2021-2022 Design

It is a prototype for bicycle locker to secure bicycles and minimize bicycle theft. The goal is to implement bike lockers alongside bicycle rental services. When an individual needs an inexpensive means of transportation, he/she will be able to deactivate the security of the bike rack with a special card that is only sold and/or recharged by the rental company. This helps to reduce traffic and carbon emissions.

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Support for 20-ton yachts Production

A sturdy, corrosion-resistant bracket that is capable of supporting vessels up to 20 tons. The design is modular and can be adjusted for smaller vessels. It has a higher life cycle than most boat mounts and can be mass produced easily.

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Well done on time and with joy.

The best way to do a job is with joy and keeping in mind the saying that dictates: “treat others as you would like to be treated”. For this reason I always do the work as I would like people to do it to me..

Contact Me

You can contact me through my social networks or through my contact email, if for some reason I can not do a job, be sure that I will put you in contact with someone who can.
